Thank You, 2015

I can’t think of any other year that surprised me more than 2015 had. Things I never even dared to imagine in the past actually happened. I guess the only thing that turned out as expected was my university graduation. Besides that, there were plenty of happenings beyond my control. I lost two people I’ve never been prepared to lose – one for Thy kingdom come, the other for Thy will be done. I got to experience the real world and I discovered that it’s like trying a new pasta at a nearby cafe which you enjoy during the first bite only to find out that it has an aftertaste. But no matter how much of my sanity this year had taken from me, I’m glad to say that it equipped me with lessons in return:

  1. You can mess up. Big time. To the point that even your shadow would want to leave you; to the point that your reflection would not have an idea who’s he’s/she’s representing. But the thing is, you have the chance to redeem yourself. Everyday.
  2. Things are only as possible as you believe them to be.
  3. People will not always forgive you but it doesn’t have to be the reason why you should not forgive yourself. It’s your decision to make, not theirs.
  4. Forgiving yourself doesn’t invalidate the remorse that you felt.
  5. You lose people whether you’ve been prepared for it or not. And it will hurt so much, probably even more than you can bear. But that doesn’t mean that you should forget the best times you shared with those people. It’s okay to try to remember those times instead of focusing on the bad ones.
  6. Life is too short to stick up with something that doesn’t make you feel alive.
  7. People always have the capacity to leave no matter how much you think they won’t. So be in good terms with yourself, because more often than not, all you have left is you.
  8. Convenience is an expensive thing.
  9. There is something you gain from the things you lose.
  10. The universe knows its way.
  11. There would be times when you didn’t know you could, but you eventually did.
  12. Every time you wake up, you get closer to the day when you’ll be okay.
  13. One of the greatest tragedies in life is becoming the exact person that you’ve always hated.
  14. Do something. Progress is still progress no matter how small it is. So improve in any way you can.
  15. Move forward. There is no point dwelling on your previous mistakes. What’s important is you learned from them. And you’re willing to utilize those lessons in dealing with life.

Thank you, 2015. Though you messed the shit out of me, I know that you only did that to prepare me for the greater things ahead.

In spite of all the so-called predictions, no one knows how 2016 will turn out. There are plenty of mistakes to make, lessons to learn, and goals to achieve. 2016 may be even surprising than 2015. I’m not sure of anything. But instead of worrying too much, I’ll just focus on making this year a way to reach the life I’ve always dreamed of living. After all, I owe that to myself.

So 2016, let’s get it on.


Thank You, 2015